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Monday 15 November 2010

And back to Derby I go

As I expected, last week was tough one. There was a lot of information to take on board, admittedly, mostly common sense stuff. I diligently made notes of what I felt to be important information.

Sometimes on a course the trainer will ask the class questions to check that the students have understood and are still awake. If you're not sure of the required reply, it's usually possible to keep silent and let someone else answer. However, there were only two of us on this course and I soon discovered that it's impossible to hide. Especially if neither of you know the answer. It certainly keeps you focused on what's going on, I can tell you.

The teaching finished on Thursday and I was able to return home. However, I have today returned to Derby to have my newly learnt skills fully tested. After at silly-o-clock start from home, I arrived without the drama of last Mondays travel woes. I took the precaution of catching an earlier train and very carefully checking which train I was actually boarding.

All that planning gave me far more time to worrying about the assessment itself. By the time I arrived at the training centre I had whipped myself up into a frenzy of panic. 8 hours 30 minutes later and I had proved that I have what it takes to pass the course. What a relief 8-)

Posted from my iPhone

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