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Sunday, 9 July 2006

The Football World Cup 2006 Has Finished

As I'm sure you all know by now, Italy won by beating France in a penalty shootout.

I only have one comment to make about the game. What was the French player Zinedine Zidane thinking off when he head butted the chest of one of the Italians? It was a moment of complete madness to end the career of a brilliant player. Silly man. I bet he will regret that out-burst for a very long time.

I've always felt that penalty shootouts are a grossly unfair way to decide who the winner is. They have little to do with sporting skill and everything to do with luck.

How could this situation be avoided in the first place? I considered that perhaps the teams could play chess to decide the outcome. However, I doubt that many footballers could even spell Chess, let alone play such a game of mental skill. I hardly think that David Beckham and Wayne Rooney would give Gary Kasparov any sleepness nights, do you?

How about totting up all the red & yellow cards that the team members have accrued during the competition or maybe even a Keepy-Uppy contest?

If you have any better ideas, please let me know.


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